Team Portals and Reseller Portal Licenses
Licenses are consumed in team portals and reseller portals in different ways:
Team Portals – Any licenses provisioned to a specific team portal are immediately consumed from the Portal License. Within the team portal you can optionally limit how many licenses or storage each user can consume, by assigning a plan to the user.
The number of licenses in use must be less than or equal to the number provisioned for the team portal. The number provisioned for the team portal is the limit for that portal.
Reseller Portals – You can optionally define a limit on the number of licenses and amount of storage consumed by each reseller portal, by assigning global plans and add-ons to the portal. However at this stage, no portal licenses are consumed. Portal licenses are consumed only when specific users within the reseller portal are provisioned with licenses.
The number of licenses in use must be less than or equal to the number provisioned for a reseller portal. The number provisioned for the portal cannot be more than the limit for that portal, where the number of provisioned licenses is the amount allocated via plans and addons to portal users and the limit is the reseller portal quota.