CTERA: Cutting Costs and Enabling Remote Users for Four Global Firms

In today’s uncertain economic times, the need for cost-effective file storage and data management solutions has never been more urgent. The constant surge in enterprise storage volumes (and their associated costs), together with the COVID-accelerated adoption of remote work models, are driving enterprises to transition from legacy hardware-based storage architecture (NAS) to modern, cloud-enabled global…
The Earth is Flat (When WFH)
The confusion and fear of the coronavirus pandemic have triggered some wacky theories. So just to set the record straight: COVID-19 is not caused by the roll-out of 5G networks, and the earth is absolutely, positively not flat. But, in a sense, you could say that COVID-19 is making the world a bit flatter –…
The Work from Home Dilemma: VDI or Laptop?
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgency of enabling employee productivity from any location and any device. To ensure business continuity, enterprises are transitioning employees to work from home (WFH). This shift is much more than a passing trend, and remote work will remain in force long after the health crisis subsides. Smaller offices and…