Cloud Drive Sync
When administrators enable cloud drive sync, content from the CTERA Portal Cloud Drive can be synchronized (synced) with the cloud storage gateway. Another option is for users who are subscribed to the CTERA Portal Cloud Drive service to have their cloud drive content synced with the gateway. These users can also sync their portal cloud drives simultaneously with additional cloud storage gateways and devices, including gateways in other remote branches and any other device on which a CTERA agent or mobile app is installed.
When folders are synchronizing, or "synced"' with each other, folder content is identical at all times. Whenever any change of any kind is made to any file in any of the synced folders, the same change is made immediately in the other folders that are synced with that folder. For example, if a file is deleted from one of the folders, the same file is deleted from the other synced folder(s). It makes no difference which user made the change or in which of the synced folders the change was made.
The cloud storage gateway can sync to a portal cloud drive in one of two modes:
• Classic. Only the main user's folders are synced with the cloud drive. This is the user who is connected to the portal on behalf of the gateway.
• Sync Gateway. This mode is for team portals. It can be used to give users LAN speed access to their home folders and shared folders from any branch office. Local user accounts are mapped to the equivalent user accounts in the cloud, so that each user sees that only his or her personal view of the cloud files. Users can access locally stored, synced copies of the folders they are allowed access to on the team portal.