Local File Sharing : Managing Network Shares : Copying Files With Their ACLs to the Gateway
Copying Files With Their ACLs to the Gateway
To copy local files to the cloud storage gateway with their ACL settings:
Use robocopy to copy your file system to the CTERA Storage Gateway. Run the following command as an administrator:
Robocopy {source} {destinationShare} /e /v /np /copyall /xo /fft /purge [/MT:15] /r:0 /w:0 /tee /log+:C:\Temp\copyLog.txt
source – The location of the local or network share on the Windows file server.
destinationShare – The target Windows ACL Emulation Mode share on the CTERA Cloud Gateway. For example, \\gatewayIP\ExampleShare
The network share in the source location on the Windows file server are migrated to the ACL Emulation Mode share on the CTERA Cloud Gateway, while maintaining the permissions for all files.
/e – Copies subfolders including empty folders. Note that if the destination folder exists, the destination folder security settings are not overwritten.
/v – Produces verbose output, and shows all skipped files.
/np – The number of folders or files copied so far is not displayed.
/copyall – Copies all file information: data, attributes, timestamps, ACLs, owner and auditing information. copyall is equivalent to /copy:DATSOU.
/xo – Excludes older files.
/fft – Assumes FAT file times (two-second precision).
/purge – Deletes destination folders and files that no longer exist in the source. Note that if the destination folder exists, the destination folder security settings are not overwritten.
/MT:15 – When migrating from Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7, creates multi-threaded copies with 15 threads.
/r:0 – When a copy fails, does not retry.
/w:0 – Does not wait after a failed copy.
/tee – Writes the status output to the console window, as well as to the log file.
/log+:C:\Temp\copyLog.txt – Appends the status output to the existing log file. Creates the log file if it does not exist.
Note: If you experience some failed copies with an error 5: Access is denied message, check the permissions for the files that failed and then rerun the robocopy command. If the problem persists, contact CTERA support.
For more information, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc733145.aspx.