Monitoring Your Cloud Storage Gateway : Viewing Logs : Audit Logs
Audit Logs
The Audit log displays the following details regarding the cloud storage gateway:
Action. The action type:
Added (). An object was added to the cloud storage gateway web interface.
Deleted (). An object was deleted from the cloud storage gateway web interface.
Modified (). An object was modified.
Formatted (). A disk was formatted.
Expanded () An array was enlarged.
Disabled (). A setting was disabled.
Enabled (). A setting was enabled.
Date. The date and time at which the event occurred.
User. The user who performed the action.
Type. The type of setting that was affected by the action. For example, if user JohnS was deleted, this column displays "Users".
Target. The object that was affected by the action. For example, if user JohnS was deleted, this column displays "JohnS".
More Info. Additional information about the event.