Local File Sharing : Managing Network Shares : Blocking File Types from Network Shares
Blocking File Types from Network Shares
Cloud Storage Gateway administrators can block users from writing specific file types into the gateway share or gaining control of the content located on it. The file types that are blocked are set per network share.
When file types are blocked, share users cannot write or create files with a blocked extension or rename a file to a forbidden extension. However, if you block extensions for a pre-existing share that already contains files with the forbidden extension, the pre-existing files are not deleted.
To block files:
1 In the Configuration tab, select Share > Shares.
2 Click New Share to create a new share with blocked file type, or Edit Share to block file types on an existing share.
3 Proceed through the Network Share creation wizard as described in Defining Network Shares. In the Sharing Protocols window:
a Define the access level for Windows File Sharing as Windows ACL Emulation Mode. Users will be able to access the share using Common Internet File Sharing (CIFS) and configure permissions for files and folders in the same way they would on a Windows file server.
b Select the Block the following file extensions check box, and then define the file extensions for the types of files you want to block.
You can block multiple file extensions, as shown in the image below. List only the letters of each file extension, using a comma to separate between them. For example, to block EXE files, list the exe file extension; to block PIF files, list the pif file extension. To block both EXE and PDF files, list them as exe,pdf.
Blocked extensions are not case sensitive. Wildcards (for example, *.exe) are not supported.
4 Click Next and continue with the wizard to create the new share or edit the existing share.