Global Administration > Antivirus File Scanning
Antivirus File Scanning
Antivirus software is used to prevent malware from infecting files in the organization. CTERA Portal integrates with antivirus vendors through the ICAP protocol to ensure data protection.
To implement antivirus scanning of portal files, you require an antivirus license from CTERA Networks Ltd. Using portal subscription plans, you can activate or deactivate the antivirus feature for specific virtual portals.
When antivirus is activated, files are scanned for malware automatically and transparently, before they are downloaded from the portal. Background scanning checks for files that were not previously scanned, for example, when the antivirus was disabled or not running on a server. Background scanning scans the following:
*Files that were not previously scanned.
*Backup folders that are not passphrase protected.
*Cloud drive folders.
If an infected file is found, the user who owns the file receives an email notification indicating that malware was blocked and specifying the file name. A copy of the infected file is quarantined so that the administrator can determine if any action is necessary.
Virtual portal administrators can view files that are quarantined by the antivirus servers, the Cloud Drive location and the user who downloaded the files.
In this section
These tasks can be performed in the global administration view only.